
This blog is my way of coming to terms with my own issues with depression. If you are experiencing signs of depression or are thinking of hurting yourself, PLEASE seek professional help. You can talk to someone at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 1-800-784-2433. There is a TTY line at 1-800-799-4TTY (4889) for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have never admitted this, but I enjoy being sick. Most people dread cold and flu season, but I kind of like it. When I am down with a bad cold or the flu, it is the only time I can be totally self-indulgent and lazy without a hint of guilt. I stay up late watching bad TV as I drift in and out of pharmaceutical-induced hazes. I lose weight effortlessly. My husband brings me tabloid magazines and hot toddies. Sure, I hurt. My body aches or my head pounds--possibly both. But I get to experience total, guilt-free relaxation. No one expects anything of you when you are really sick. In fact, they don't even want you around. It's great! I don't expect anyone else out there to embrace, let alone enjoy, his or her next bout with the flu. I would, however, encourage you to find the potential rainbow within the storm. How often do you get to totally escape from responsibility? Try to go with it and realize that before you know it, you will be back to the real world with all its commitments, labors, and to-do lists.