
This blog is my way of coming to terms with my own issues with depression. If you are experiencing signs of depression or are thinking of hurting yourself, PLEASE seek professional help. You can talk to someone at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 1-800-784-2433. There is a TTY line at 1-800-799-4TTY (4889) for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pet Peeves

We all have them, but I tend to think that those of us on the dark side see them as larger issues. Most of the things that annoy me also tell me that something is intrinsically wrong with human beings, or at least Americans specifically. If the whole world participates in the activities that follow then, as I suspected, there is no hope for humanity.

  • Littering--I live in one of the most beautiful regions in the U.S. Are the people who throw their fast food bags along the side of the road blind or just stupid? We have these amazing things in our city called trash cans. Maybe you've heard of them. Why, I even have a private trash can in my home! I think it cost less than $20 with the bags. I can fill it with garbage, place it in the FREE receptacle on loan to me from the city, put it by the road and voila, it is taken to the landfill. Amazing.
  • Drivers on cell phones--Yesterday I merged into the passing lane and suddenly had to do something counter intuitive--hit my brakes! All because the idiot in front of me was talking on his cell phone and had no idea he had dropped to about 20 mph under the speed limit. I could see him yapping away in his side mirror but apparently he couldn't see me. Again I wondered if we have a higher than average number of blind people driving cars in my area. Alas, no. He was just too engrossed in his conversation to safely operate a thousand-pound moving vehicle.
  • People on cell phones--Drivers on cells are dangerous. These people are just annoying. There was a lady in the grocery store last week who talked on the phone the entire time she was shopping. I bet she identifies herself as "stressed out." I'd be stressed out too if I never had a moment's peace. Then over the weekend, I saw a young girl starting up a trail-head with her cell out and ready to go. Getting a signal in that area would be impossible (duh!) but it was more telling that she even felt the need to bring the phone along on a nature hike.
  • The "joy" of summer--Why does every current issue of a magazine tout the blissfulness of summer? When I was a student, yes, summer was awesome. Then again, I didn't have to work and there was a pool available at all times. As an adult, I see summer very differently. Get up, sweat, shower, sweat, work, sweat, sit inside, sweat, sleep, sweat, repeat for three endless months. I can't leave the house without sunscreen. Bread molds within three days of purchase. Bugs that should live outside come in because it is so f***ing hot! If I do get a chance to go swimming, it involves the humiliation of wearing a swimsuit and showing off my paper white legs. In the winter that skin gets a million compliments from leathered friends. In summer, I'm a joke. Where is the joy in that I ask?
Okay. That's enough ranting for today. Make your own list of pet peeves and see if it doesn't afford you a little sense of smug satisfaction.

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